Episodes Kabuto Has Appeared In: Episode 88
In his next episode, sexy boy goes into Orochimaru's room, the latter of which is screaming in pain, yay! Orochimaru tells Kabuto that he wants to find Tsunade, who could possibly heal his dead arms. So Kabi and Orochinasty set off through the woods to Tanzaku town. It seems to take them around two days to get there, which is far too long to be around Orochimaru. The best was when it looked like Orochimaru was howling at the moon...and Kabuto looked like he just wanted Orochimaru to shut up. Then, using their snake summons, they knock down the beautiful Tanzaku castle and find Tsunade. Orochimaru's outfit made my eyes bleed because it was so awful...Kabuto should have killed him for wearing that outfit.
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